OK so I've received some feedback about how I need to have more items that show equal love for the Mummy & DADDY. When I came across this T-shirt (Top), I had to order it in. :) Finally, something that expresses equality, love & peace in a single T-Shirt! HOORAY! As for the bottom T shirt , the message speaks for itself ya? Let's spread the love in hugssssssssssssss!!! Can't get enough of those...esp from the kiddos! : )
S$12.90 for 1, S$24 for 2!
Click on Image for Larger Image & Size Availability!
This is a new line of Baby Clothing specially brought in for our little ones. The material is extra soft & not too thick! The designs I've come across for this particular brand are simply awesome! So Look out for more good stuff to come! Meanwhile, Chope Chope while you still can! :)